Booli · Designer / Developer


I’m a designer / developer based in Stockholm with more than ten years of experience working with digital products. Driven by a fast-moving holistic approach to product development I always try to see the whole picture while having the end user as my main focal point — focusing on creating efficient services that are easy and responsive to use without friction.

I believe in long-term vision, hypothesis and insight driven product development and that great experiences are built from the sum of all its parts.

Let’s build something together.
See my
craft below

Current work

Make better decisions on the housing market

Be up to date on the housing market and analyze unique data.

Working toward a more transparent housing market

Swedens largest collection of homes for sale — working for a more transparent market.

Other experiments


Delightful components that feel good to use. Built on top of Radix UI using Framer Motion.


Create music quizzes based on your interests in minutes using AI.


Roadmap building for teams. Set, follow and measure your goals together.


Helping realtors generate housing descriptions using geo and property data.


  • Company
  • Role
  • Year
  • Booli

    Developer / Designer

    2020 —

  • PwC Experience Center

    Senior Designer

    2018 — 2020

  • Pond Digital

    Senior Designer

    2015 — 2020

  • Mobiento / Deloitte Digital


    2012 — 2015

Jack of all trades, master of some

I’m a senior product designer turned developer based in Stockholm, Sweden. I work in the intersection between design and code, focusing on bringing life to product experiences. Passionate about how products feel to use.

I have more than ten years of agency experience working with and designing for some of the largest companies in Sweden before switching focus to code.

Picture by Mr. Dev
Picture by Mr. Dev
Picture by Mr. Dev
Picture by Mr. Dev

Occasionally I take pictures with my Fujifilm camera.